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Measures to Tackle Islamophobia

Board of Directors - September 2022
WHEREAS, The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) passed a resolution in June 2021 that hate speech has no place in an inclusive society and resolved that FCM work with all levels of government in addressing the root causes of hate speech;
WHEREAS, Canada has seen dramatic increases in hate-motivated incidents and hate crimes against Asian, Black, Indigenous, Jewish, Sikh, and Muslim Canadians;
WHEREAS, Anti-Muslim hate has led to more Muslims being killed in targeted hate attacks in Canada than any other G-7 country in the past 5 years because of Islamophobia, including lethal attacks in Quebec City, Toronto, and London, as well as hate-motivated incidents in municipalities across Canada in 2021;
WHEREAS, Municipal governments such as Brampton and St. Catharines have responded by endorsing the municipal recommendations to address Islamophobia advanced by the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM);
WHEREAS, FCM has established a standing committee on anti-racism and equity to help guide municipalities with their respective anti-racism and equity work nationally; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That FCM calls on the federal government to consult municipalities in the process of establishing an Office of the Special Representative to address Islamophobia.
RESOLVED, That FCM encourage members to endorse the municipal recommendations to address Islamophobia advanced by the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM).